Contact Emiley

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I will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
(After I finish this one last design tweak.)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Emiley open for freelance work?

Yes, Emiley is open to freelance work at this time.

Is she currently looking for full-time roles?

Yes! If you are currently looking for a UX/UI Designer or Product Designer, she would love to hear from you.

Is Emiley open for design collaborations?

Absolutely. Collaboration between professionals has the power to make the user experience even better. Send a message to Emiley about what you're working on or how you'd like to get involved.

What's her past experience on design?

Emiley has worked at both large agencies and small business, designing everything from user flows and processes to websites and graphics. She has also designed as a freelancer and contractor for individuals and companies.